The cooling of substances or enclosed spaces to low
temperatures is called refrigeration. Refrigeration is used most often to keep
foods or medicines from spoiling, since bacterial growth is slowed at lower
temperatures. A common example is the home refrigerator, in which foods can be
stored for days at temperatures of around 40° F (4° C). Foods kept frozen
at temperatures near 0° F (–18° C) can be stored for
months without decay or loss of flavor. Refrigeration is also used commercially
for storing food in warehouses and for transporting foodstuffs, biological
materials, and certain chemicals. Many vegetables are refrigerated during
transit so that they will last longer on store shelves.
Refrigeration is also used to cool hot air and increase
comfort in such places as homes and offices. Some applications, such as the
manufacture of liquid oxygen or liquid nitrogen, require temperatures below
–240° F (–151° C). This is the realm of cryogenics, which deals with matter at
very low temperatures. Special equipment is required to produce and maintain
these temperatures Natural gas may be cooled to about –265° F (–165° C)—the
temperature at which the gas becomes liquid—for transport in specially designed
ships. It is stored in refrigerated and insulated tanks.
Strictly speaking, refrigeration is not a natural
process. In nature, all processes involving the transfer of heat proceed in the
direction that transfers heat from the hotter to the colder body according to
the second law of thermodynamics . Thus, heat by itself travels only from hot
to cold, and a cold object will eventually reach the temperature of its
surroundings. Consequently, an external energy source is required to cool an
object and maintain it at a temperature below that of its surroundings.
Generally, mechanical or electrical energy sources are used. Once an object is
cooled, the transfer of heat from the environment can be slowed—but not stopped
completely—by insulating the object. This is accomplished by surrounding the object
with materials that have a high resistance to heat transfer, such as the
fiberglass and rock wool used in refrigerator walls and house insulation
Types of Refrigeration
If reduced temperatures are required for only a short
time, various simple methods of cooling can be used. One of the simplest means
of refrigeration, a block of pure ice in a closed container, can keep the
temperature in the container at 32° F (0° C), but not lower, until all the ice
has melted. Ice can be used to cool objects because a considerable amount of
energy, known as the heat of fusion, is required to melt ice. This energy is
taken from the surroundings and from objects in contact with the ice.
Evaporation and sublimation.
Another simple method of refrigeration is evaporative
cooling. If a liquid is rapidly vaporized, the kinetic energy, or energy of
motion of the molecules, increases Much of this energy is drawn from the
immediate surroundings, which are therefore cooled. One example of this type of
cooling is perspiration: the skin is cooled when sweat evaporates from the
surface. In hot, dry climates, inside air can be cooled by injecting water into
an air stream blown through a building. As the water evaporates, it cools the
stream of air. This principle was used in the so-called “swamp coolers” in the
Southwest United States before the use of modern air conditioning became
Some solid materials convert directly into a gas without
first becoming liquid. This phenomenon, known as sublimation, can be used for
refrigeration because heat is absorbed from the surroundings during the
sublimation process. A common example is the vaporization of solid carbon
dioxide, or dry ice, which is used as a refrigerant.Although ice and
evaporation or sublimation of a given amount of cooling material can keep
temperatures low for a time, other methods of refrigeration, usually
mechanical, are used for extended periods of cooling.
Mechanical vapor-compression
refrigeration uses the same fundamental technique of
evaporative cooling as described above. The fluid that is vaporized is called
the refrigerant, and it is recirculated through a so-called closed cycle. In
commonly used mechanical refrigeration systems, there are four basic
components: a compressor, a condenser, an expansion valve, and an evaporator.
In home refrigerators the evaporator section is the food compartment and its
surrounding coils, which contain the refrigerant. The vapor leaving the
evaporator section is compressed. The compressed gas is then condensed into a
liquid by the condenser, which transfers heat to the external surroundings
through coils at the back or bottom of the refrigerator. The liquid is then
passed through an expansion valve and fed back into the cold-chamber
evaporator, where it absorbs heat as it is vaporized.
For a continuously running refrigerator, a steady cold
state is reached when the heat leaking into the unit just equals the heat
absorbed by the refrigerant. In practice, however, most refrigerators work only
intermittently. If the temperature in the food compartment slightly exceeds the
desired temperature, a thermostat activates the compressor motor and the
compartment is cooled to just below the required temperature. The compressor is
then shut off, to be restarted when the compartment warms up.
The selection of refrigerants depends on the application.
Many early refrigerators used ammonia. Ammonia, however, is toxic, and leakage
was a constant danger. Starting in the 1920s a series of essentially
nonpoisonous synthetic refrigerants was developed that combined carbon,
fluorine, chloride, and sometimes hydrogen. The first was
dichlorodifluoromethane (CCl2F2), commonly known as
Freon-12, which is still widely used in refrigeration and air-conditioning
systems. Lower temperatures can be reached with Freon-22 (CHClF2).
Vapor absorption.
Some refrigeration systems that often use ammonia as the
refrigerant are known as vapor-absorption systems. The ammonia usually flows
through a condenser, expansion valve, and evaporator just as in a
vapor-compression cycle. In vapor-absorption systems, however, the compressor
is often replaced by an absorber-generator-pump assembly in which the ammonia
is absorbed into water as heat is removed. The liquid ammonia-water solution is
pumped and heated to drive off the ammonia vapor and is then sent back into the
refrigeration system.
Vapor-absorption systems may be used in large industrial
applications, especially when low-pressure steam is available as a heat source.
Less power is required to pump the liquid water-ammonia mixture than to
compress a vapor. However, vapor-absorption refrigeration requires large
heat-removal systems, and there is a danger of ammonia leakage. Other absorption
systems that use lithium bromide as the absorbent and water as the refrigerant
have been used in large central air-conditioning units.
Air cycle.
Some refrigeration systems, called air-cycle systems, use
air as the refrigerant. In these systems moderately cool air from the
refrigerated section is first compressed and then cooled by an external cooling
system or by the surroundings. This cooled compressed air then expands through
a turbine, where, as it expands, both the temperature and pressure are lowered.
Because large amounts of air must be circulated through
air-cycle refrigerating systems, they are more expensive than other methods of
refrigeration. Air-cycle systems were more widely used before the development
of modern nontoxic refrigerants. Today air-cycle systems are used only in a
few, specialized applications, such as in some aircraft air-conditioning
In 1834 the French physicist Jean Peltier discovered that
when an electric current flows through a circuit in which two different metals
are joined, one of the junctions gets cooler, and the other gets warmer. This
effect, called the Peltier effect, can be enhanced by substituting certain
semiconductor materials for the metals A thermoelectric refrigerator can be
made by placing many junctions in series separated by a plate so that heat is
absorbed on one side and dissipated on the other. The effectiveness of
thermoelectric refrigerators is low because the junctions must be made short to
decrease electrical resistance. This shortening results in greater heat
transfer through the assembly and thus decreases the refrigerator's overall
cooling performance. Consequently, thermoelectric units have so far been
limited to a few specialized areas of application.
In the industrialized nations and affluent regions in the
developing world, refrigeration units are used chiefly to store foodstuffs.
Most household refrigerators and freezers use vapor compression. Usually the refrigerant
passes through chiller plates in the freezer section that contain coils. The
refrigerant is partially evaporated and then continues to the main
refrigeration compartment. Small fans circulate the cold air, which would
otherwise settle at the bottom of the unit.
Water vapor from the main storage compartment tends to
freeze on the cold chiller plates, causing a buildup of ice that reduces the
cooling ability of the refrigerator. Thus, refrigerators require periodic
defrosting in order to keep them working properly. This may be done manually by
shutting off the refrigerator and either heating the cooling coils or allowing
them to remain at room temperature until the ice melts. Automatic defrosting,
or so-called frost-free, refrigerators heat the coils automatically at timed
periods, usually by passing hot condenser gas to the coils or by rapidly adding
heat from electrical resistors..)
Refrigeration is also used to preserve foods in
cold-storage warehouses until the food can be shipped to supermarkets and other
stores. Temperatures are usually maintained at slightly above 32° F (0° C) to
prevent the foods from actually freezing. In most cold-storage warehouses, an
external refrigeration system cools a mixture of water and salt or water and
antifreeze. (Such a mixture has a lower freezing point than does pure water.)
The mixture is then circulated through pipes that run through the warehouse.
Early refrigerated trucks, ships, and railcars that were
used to transport foods and other materials were cooled by large blocks of ice.
Today there are separate refrigerators—often powered by small diesel
engines—for each storage compartment.
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