Detergent and Soap Beginning
in the Middle Ages, soap was made at home and used for cleaning
laundry. Cake soap, however, was a luxury product that came into common
use only in the 19th century. The synthetic relatives of soap,
detergents were developed during World War II when the natural
ingredients for soap became scarce. Unlike soap, detergents are
synthetics and do not form easily biodegradable waste products.
the 1950s, detergents had become more popular than soap for general
laundering and dishwashing. One reason is that when soap is used in
hard water (water that contains large amounts of dissolved mineral
salts), its molecules—unlike detergent molecules—may react with the
dissolved salts to form the whitish gray precipitate responsible for
bathtub ring.The various types of soap are used in many ways. The best known are the bar soaps used for personal bathing and the soaps in shaving creams and shampoos. Some soaps form the basis for cosmetic creams, and other soaps are used as paint driers, lubricating greases, and gelling agents. Detergents are used principally for washing dishes and clothes, but detergents are also added to gasoline and lubricating oils used in automobiles and to dry-cleaning solvents to help remove soil from garments.
Surface-Active Agents
The basic cleaning agents in soaps and detergents are called surface-active agents, or surfactants. When added to a liquid, they reduce its surface tension (the affinity that the surface molecules have for each other), thereby increasing the liquid's spreading and wetting properties. Part of the surface-active molecule must be hydrophilic, or “water-loving,” and part must be hydrophobic, or water-repellent. Surface-active molecules concentrate at the interfaces, or areas of contact, between water and oil. One end of the molecule seeks the water; the other end seeks oil (or air, if the interface is between water and air). At water-oil interfaces, surface-active agents emulsify oil—they mix it into the liquid the way fat is mixed in milk; at water-air interfaces, they trap air molecules to produce foam.How Soaps and Detergents Clean
The seemingly simple action of cleaning a soiled surface is actually a complex four-step process. First, the surface to be cleaned is made wet. Soaps and detergents help the water spread out and wet the surface or penetrate fabric fibers. Second, the surface absorbs the soap or detergent. The hydrophilic part of the surface-active molecule attaches itself to the water, and the hydrophobic part attaches itself to the solid or fiber and, most important, the soil. In the third step, the soil is broken up into small beads that can be washed away. Mechanical agitation—such as the agitation that occurs in a washing machine when the clothes are moved back and forth through the water—helps the surface-active molecules pull the dirt away from the material and into the water. In the case of bar soap, dirt is dispersed in the foam formed by mechanical action such as rubbing the hands together.Often dirt is bound to a surface by a thin film of oil or grease. In this case, the soap or detergent solution displaces the film and breaks it up into individual droplets. To remove certain protein stains from clothing, special enzymes that can break down proteins must be used with the detergent.
The final step in the cleaning process is to hold the soil suspended in the liquid so that it will not be redeposited onto the clean surface. The soil particles are surrounded by the surface-active molecules until they can be rinsed away.
How Soaps Are Made
The chemical reaction that produces soap is called saponification. It occurs when a hot caustic alkali solution, such as caustic soda (sodium hydroxide), acts on natural fats or oils to produce a smooth, semisolid, fatty acid salt (soap) and glycerin, or glycerol.The boiling process.
Soap can easily be made at home by boiling water with animal fat or vegetable oils and wood ash. As the water boils, the fat molecules are broken down into fatty acids. Saponification occurs when these fatty acids react with potassium carbonate from the ash to form soap.A slightly refined version of the boiling process, sometimes called the kettle process, is used today by some small producers. The fats are boiled with various alkalies in large kettles until the ingredients blend. When salt is added, the soap separates from the alkali solution, which is drained and further distilled for the valuable glycerin. This step, combined with a process called closing—adding steam and water, is repeated several times until the mass separates into three layers. On top is neat soap, the purest soap layer. Below that is a lower-quality soap called nigre. On the bottom is the alkali solution. Neat soap, a thick liquid, is pumped away and further processed into the final soap product.Although the kettle method is a time-honored soapmaking process, it is quite slow. It produces soap batch by batch and requires four to 11 days for completion. Today most commercial soap is produced in quantity by a continuous process.
Continuous processing.
In a common continuous soapmaking process, the fat is split into fatty acids and glycerin in a tall column called a hydrolyzer. Molten fat is continuously pumped in at the bottom of the hydrolizer and is split into fatty acids by water that is continuously pumped in at the top at high temperature and pressure. The fatty acids are taken from the top of the hydrolyzer and the glycerin is drawn off at the bottom. The fatty acids are then purified in a still and neutralized with an alkali to yield neat soap.Cold and semiboiled processes.
Two other processes are used by small factories. In the cold method, a fat and oil mixture is agitated with an alkali solution in an open pan until the mixture thickens. It is then poured into frames and left to saponify and solidify.In the semiboiled method, the ingredients are stirred and heated in a kettle but not boiled. The mixture saponifies in the kettle and is poured into frames to solidify.
Neat soap undergoes various finishing operations that transform it from a hot mass into the final soap product. Perfume and dyes are often added to enhance the soap's scent and appearance, and some soaps are superfatted by the addition of small amounts of fatty acids to make the product particularly mild. Medicated soaps are made with additives that enhance their deodorant and disinfectant effect.The soap mass is cooled, vacuum dried, and then solidified in a plodder. The dried solidified soap is mixed and kneaded—often by milling or crushing—in stages to produce various degrees of fineness. Milled bar soaps pass through several sets of heavy rollers or mills during processing. Another plodder presses the small pieces of soap together. The mixture is then pressed into a smooth cylinder, cut into bar sizes, stamped, and wrapped in paper or plastic. Soap flakes are made by extruding the soap mass into ribbons, drying the ribbons, and cutting them to size.
How Detergents Are Made
Detergents are not prepared by saponifying fats or oils; they are manufactured in chemical plants. Their surface-active molecules are generally long chains with atoms or groups of atoms added to give the molecule its surface-active properties. Various complex industrial processes may be used to attach these atoms to the molecules.Sodium sulfonates make up the most common group of detergents. Sodium alkylbenzene sulfonate, or sodium ABS, was one of the earliest detergents. Its molecules have a long chain of hydrocarbons—linked carbon atoms with two hydrogen atoms attached to each carbon atom. The chain is not straight: the carbon atoms branch off at one end. This is the hydrophobic part that attaches to soil. The other end, a sodium sulfonate molecule (SO3Na), attaches to water.
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